Aadhar Donate Education
From ancient time Indian culture had great value for education with goddess Saraswati worshipped as goddess of vidya and well defined gurukul system providing integrated education, mental, social, physical and spiritual education. A well educated man was considered a well respected man. With progression of time and India going through lot of changes through the pages of history, India lost its education culture where mother was first teacher, guru was given a higher place than parents in life of person: guru as a light to enlighten the souls and minds of students.
Connecting the dots and coming to the new age, in 21st century education holds the key to economic growth, social transformation, and modernization integration. The national policy of education formulated in 1986 and modified in 1992 aims to provide education of comparable quality up to a given level to all the students.
Looking at the government school in kherakhetvillage, 25 km from the city of lakes, Udaipur. Kherakhet is a aadivasi village with undue terrain, poor vegetation, less population with only 500 families living a nomadic life with lack of resources, dry climate, water and food problem and people only relying on daily wages. Hardly trying to make ends meet and sometimes female and children going with hardly one meal a day, let alone nutrition and personal hygiene. Aadhar foundation trust guarded the school in its hard time and it’s been more than five years we're serving as its guardian, monitoring the necessities and how to improve the condition of life and education here. With almost strength of 120 students studying in classes from nursery to 5th, the last that a child study. Most of the children have to leave their studies right after class 5th and those who wish to study have to travel 30-40 kms everyday. On average, hardly 3 of 100 students go for studying after and most of them are goes to work, child labour. Spending so much time and noticing the trend with time these kids have grown an interest in education, with attendance strengthening and increasing and each child wishing to study further. When you'll visit this school, you'll find hundred of students in uniforms now, with unbroken smile, cheerful hearts and a dream in their shining eyes. The dreams that they cherish, the dreams that we want them to fulfil.
The most crucial among the student life activity is education and only by providing access to better education real progress becomes possible. In fact, I believe that education is the single most important factor which can bring families out of vicious cycles of poverty, which can change the way a generation demands it’s rights, which can lead to progress in true sense of the word. When we spend on education we're not just providing a service but also investing in future of the child, its family and country.
It calls for a system designed to support the students' overall development and growth. We're looking to provide more holistic education with all the parameters of a child’s personal development and growth covered, focusing on academic excellence along with general excellence. So when these children shift to high schools in different cities they should have understanding required to connect and adjust in the new environment and this can only be done by providing them access to modern education system.

True to its name it focuses on a learner's overall development rather than on just one aspect of the human experience. Our argument to introducing modern system to rural school is that, it promotes balanced relations not only between people but also between their environment. When taken as whole, it places a greater emphasis on Democratic learning, emotional health and relationship development. We want to cover following parameters:
- Logic Smart: academic, logical and mathematical intelligence
- Self Smart: intrapersonal intelligence
- People Smart: interpersonal intelligence
- Word Smart: verbal and linguistic intelligence
- Picture Smart: visual and spatial intelligence
- Body Smart: bodily kinesthetic, sports, health, fitness and hygiene
- Nature Smart: naturalistic
- Music Smart: musically
Considering the above parameter Aadhar Foundation Trust plans to establish following in school for welfare of student. The reader is requested to help with necessary fund or donating the equipment related to sports, music, books, computer, itself to the trust in order to install them in the school. The action will be taken without delay after the fund transfer or assets donated and will be reported to donor with pictures or visit as per the guidelines.
- Establishment of Smart classes with projectors and screen (AV room- audio visual education)
- Establishment of library
- Establishment of computer lab: requirement minimum 5 computers
- Establishment of sports room: carrom, chess, board games, football, volleyball, badminton, cricket, etc.
- Establishment of arts music: piano, congo, drums, canvas, colors, etc.
- Establishment of water cooler in village
- Development of park: basic with kids park, swings & slides, etc.
- Distribution of fruits once a week in school and distribution of nutritional food or snacks. Note: mid day meal is provided by government.
Apart from this Aadhar Foundation Trust has 25 students, with seven students already been funded by donors like you with full protection. 18 are waiting and we wish to facilitate more and more students. Those 25 students are already been helped with stationaries, uniforms and nutrition.
And more students are added everyday with a target of providing aid to 100 students this year and aiding the school itself to grow. You can undertake a child's education, health & hygiene expense: rs. 12001\-

Government school students provided with healthy meals and snacks by trust's CEO

Various activities performed and scheduled for the students frequently

Kids of road accident victim families adopted by trust: provided with ration, education and basic needs

Road accident victim families with two orphaned kids supported by trust