“Lights reflect Lights” = “कर भला तो हो भला”
Our journey on road safety started in 2002 when the director and founder of our organization Shri Narayan Chaudhary decided to stand like a steel body against the threat posed by exponentially increasing road accidents. He is a member of a road accident-struck family, he understands the pain of losing our loved ones so unexpectedly and dramatically in a fraction of second. In our Indian culture Sister-in-law “भाभी” is regarded as second to mother. Bearing the grief of loss for 14 years, his persistent endeavors gave birth to AADHAR Foundation in 2016. To realize the dream of making roads safe, decrease the number of road accidents, and happy complete families. And the dream continues….
Working since: We started alone in 2002 and started taking road safety classes in schools, colleges, gram panchayats, women self help groups, sessions and road accident victim rescue on my own. Our efforts were so consistent and fruitful that a team of people started joining us as an organization, we being the guiding light for everyone and a family to the people who lost their closed ones in road accidents. We ran alone year by year and then in 2017 we established aadhar foundation trust
Quantitative bureau: From the last 20 years as we’ve been consistently working now we can see much development and behavioral change in the road safety habits of people. Till now we’ve trained 3.5 lac volunteers for road safety, 47000 people have been helped in hospitals with first aid, rescue, food and medicine, along with helping police to locate families of anonymous victims who forgot their identities due to severe injuries. We have saved lives of 2904 road accident victims, giving them a new life. 1753 families who lost their family heads/ earning member in road accidents have been helped by us with ration kits. We have provided 287 young children with education who were left orphaned by the road accidents, losing their guardians in road accidents.